6,2 km Autour de la Sombre Let yourself be guided by water, the main theme of this walk... Cross the stream and wetlands, admire the Chastang reservoir, ask yourself how the micro power station works and arrive at the sacred fountain of St Simon in the magnificent village of Herbeil. Don't forget the chapel... to visit withou... Laval-sur-Luzège
7,4 km Aigueperse Oratory crosses, cemetery crosses or crosses at crossroads, these beautiful granite crosses line the route. There are no less than 13 crosses in the commune which mark the area. Once placed under the sign of devotion, the crosses protected the villages and the harvests, delimited the parishes or rea... Saint-Hilaire-Foissac
51,9 km Circuit cyclo sportif Sur les Terres de Ventadour Starting from Egletons, this 52 km long, gently undulating route invites you to travel through the Viscounty of Ventadour, an ancient feudal principality. You will pass by the castle of Ventadour built in the 12th century. Situated on a particularly narrow rocky spur, it rises to an altitude of 572... Égletons
13,3 km La Butte de Montamar Panorama on the puys and freshness of the bottom of valley, this circuit curves just like the brooks of Corrèze and Dadalouze between the hillock of Montamar, the puy of Chastel Merle and the moor Viossanges. Full of history and remarkable natural environments, these places invite you to discover th... Saint-Yrieix-le-Déjalat
1,9 km Cascades et moulins du Deiro Strolling against the current in a green and fresh universe, the stream of Deiro reveals its secrets. Over time, the water has sculpted its bed, releasing huge granite chaotic rocks that let small waterfalls flow. Along the way, the mill of Contensousas, dating from the 19th century and restored to... Soudeilles
3,7 km Job, aux portes de la Luzège It is at the bottom of the Luzège gorges, where nature has regained its rights, that the word "wild" takes on its full meaning: hornbeams, hundred-year-old oaks covered with a carpet of mosses and lichens, coulees and traces of deer, wild boars or otters, let yourself be guided along the water, on t... Saint-Hilaire-Foissac
7,8 km Les Rochers de Chaveroche Sentinels of the village of Péret-Bel-Air, the rocks of Chaveroche, magnificent and gigantic chaos of granite, leave one wondering. How do they hold their balance, what giant carved their rounded forms, did they shelter and protect our ancestors? Only the wind, the rain, the cold and the weather cou... Péret-Bel-Air
9,6 km Le Puy de Sarran Dans le respect de la faune et flore, du Domaine enchanté de Sédières, rejoignez le sentier pédagogique de la Maison de la Chasse et de la Nature (2km à travers les culture faune sauvage, les zones humides et l'étang), découvrez les panneaux d'informations dédiés aux animaux sauvages et aux essences... Sarran
9,4 km Chasseurs de sensations nature In the respect of the fauna and flora, of the enchanted Domain of Sédières, join the educational path of the House of Hunting and Nature (2km through the wild fauna culture, the wetlands and the pond), discover the information panels dedicated to the wild animals and the local essences! Be discreet,... Champagnac-la-Noaille
3,1 km Les Cascades de la Vigne "Sire, all the straw in your kingdom wouldn't fill my Ventadour moat". Quote from the Duke of Ventadour. Explore the natural ramparts of the Vigne gorges around the Château de Ventadour and discover the village of Le Moustier, founded around an ancient priory in the 12th century. As you emerge from... Loop Moustier-Ventadour
6,4 km Sur les chemins de Marcouyeux Ridge, hollow, paved, cross or Roman road, these routes criss-cross and criss-cross our countryside. True witnesses of past civilizations and of the know-how in terms of communication routes, the paths you will walk along during your hike will tell you their stories.... Montaignac-Saint-Hippolyte
28,9 km Circuit VTT Puy de Chauzeix - La Monédière A 29 km sportive circuit that takes you to the heart of the Monédières! From the village of Chaumeil, you'll pass the Maurianges pond, climb to the Suc-au-May orientation table, where an incredible panoramic view awaits you, and cross the small hamlet of La Monédière. Difficulty: difficult. Loop Chaumeil
Randonneur©RandonneurA hiking landVentadour-Egletons-Monédières, in Corrèze, is the ideal playground for hikers ! Lire la suite
ConvenientEtang Maurianges (5)©Etang Maurianges (5)|OT Ventadour-Egletons-Monédières/Studio Photo AgnouxBathing placesWith RandoMillevaches, prepare your hike !ProsSaint Yrieix Le Dejalat (1)©Saint Yrieix Le Dejalat (1)|OT Ventadour-Egletons-Monédières/Studio Photo AgnouxSaint-Yrieix-le-DéjalatEquipement de Rando©Equipement de RandoThe essentialsLogo Point Info Tourisme©Logo Point Info TourismeOur officesRechercheSavorVue sur la Luzège au Belvédère de l'Echamel©Vue sur la Luzège au Belvédère de l'Echamel|OT Ventadour-Egletons-Monédières/Studio Photo AgnouxOur villagesLac Deiro Egletons (3)©Lac Deiro Egletons (3)|OT Ventadour-Egletons-Monédières/Studio Photo AgnouxEgletons’ lakeChateau De Ventadour 2018 (27)©Chateau De Ventadour 2018 (27)|OT Ventadour-Egletons-MonédièresExemple page de contenu