La gaule égletonnaise
Fishing lake
in Égletons
The AAPPMA la Gaule Egletonnaise promotes the sport of fishing by issuing fishing cards, as well as restoring the aquatic environment through various facilities (financed, among other things, by the purchase of your fishing card) and halieutics (fish stocking).
Its fishing grounds cover 142.1 km of 1st category water (rivers + lakes).
The Luzège and Doustre are the two main rivers, accompanied by their numerous tributaries, giving a relatively well-stocked hydrographic network.
The...The AAPPMA la Gaule Egletonnaise promotes the sport of fishing by issuing fishing cards, as well as restoring the aquatic environment through various facilities (financed, among other things, by the purchase of your fishing card) and halieutics (fish stocking).
Its fishing grounds cover 142.1 km of 1st category water (rivers + lakes).
The Luzège and Doustre are the two main rivers, accompanied by their numerous tributaries, giving a relatively well-stocked hydrographic network.
The distribution of trout can be summarized as good density on the Luzège and its tributaries (low-disturbance environment) and average density on the Doustre (high-disturbance environment due to water bodies).
A sanctuary graciation course (green label) is present on the Deiro (over 1 km) between the water treatment plant (upstream point) and the co
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